In line with President Putin's recent saber-rattling tendencies, the country picked September 11th to test a giant new thermobaricdevice.
He knew that Fort Acheron was already bombed with thermobaricdevices so the Cylon facilities there were already destroyed, most likely.
"And I've ordered a squadron of Vulture heavy bombers to take out this base with thermobaricdevices."
Uso de fuel-air bomb em inglês
Fuel-airbombs were an appropriate choice of weapon, in my view.
"On the beach it was fuel-airbombs," Tekla continued.
Missiles that dug under and shattered bedrock, cluster bombs that fragmented into a thousand bomblets, vaporized fuel-airbombs that incinerated anything near them.
"A fuel-airbomb of some description, I believe," he said, injecting himself with something brown and lumpy.